April 25, 2013

thank to mr google for the image :)

sure it is.
our Prophet Muhammad S.A.W had prove us that.
long long time ago.

its just you who create your way.

deep in our mind...we should be much more grateful.

bukankah Allah dah berfirman..
"mungkin kamu fikir sesuatu perkara itu baik bagi kamu ttp sebenarnye buruk bagi kamu.
dan mungkin juga kamu fikir sesuatu prkara itu buruk bg kamu tp sebenarnye amat baik bgmu"

say to myself too.

kita x perlu byar balik ape yg org dah buat pada kita.
as long as we do good deeds,
as long as we are in the right path.

in sha Allah...people will see it.
some other time.

until then,
S.A.L.A.M =)



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