April 25, 2013

my new victim ;D

do see.
she is 17.
but her thought IS mature.

really is.
and her english also.



thank to mr google for the image :)

sure it is.
our Prophet Muhammad S.A.W had prove us that.
long long time ago.

its just you who create your way.

deep in our mind...we should be much more grateful.

bukankah Allah dah berfirman..
"mungkin kamu fikir sesuatu perkara itu baik bagi kamu ttp sebenarnye buruk bagi kamu.
dan mungkin juga kamu fikir sesuatu prkara itu buruk bg kamu tp sebenarnye amat baik bgmu"

say to myself too.

kita x perlu byar balik ape yg org dah buat pada kita.
as long as we do good deeds,
as long as we are in the right path.

in sha Allah...people will see it.
some other time.

until then,
S.A.L.A.M =)

April 24, 2013


pilihanraya dah dekat.

oh yeah,since i'm home...i accidentally know 'bout all stuff of pilihanraya.
the news that i never care about.
stat dari sekolah menengah sampai ke zaman tamhidi...asrama aku mane ade tv kot.

and disebabkan mmg dah ter biasa x mengadap tv kt asrama,
so i think,even time degree that KK1 have no tv...no problem for me!

okeh,pihak usim..take note.
kami xpe pun xde tv.
x mati pun.
n tak bosan pun.

kalau cantas wifi dari kami...u know what will be ya!

and seriously...we are not affected much by having no tv.
as for boys...maybe they need it when its come to euro what-so-eve.

kat intenet mcm x leyh nengok tv.
ble2 masa yg kitorang pilih plak tue time nye.
just depend on laju or lembap the wifi is.

and that will become a big trouble if and only if time tgh tgk bola,
it pause and loading for more than 5 min.
pulak dah time tu lah si player nak campak gol.
hah!..mmg wifi akn dicaci dimaki sepenuh and sekuat tenaga lahh.

dan episod mencaci maki x kan penah stop disitu je.twitter plak jd mangsa kene mengadap cacian yg x penah abeh.
fb pun ,mungkin.

that human nature...we will be very angry when something or someone take ours.
even so,kita x kan penah sedar yg secara x langsung ape yg wifi penah wat kat kita...kita pun penah wat kat orang lain..
kat bestfriend ke..kt housemate ke..kt roomate ke..neighbour mungkin.

cuma part caci maki tue tgk keadaan n tgk org yg kene .
kalau dah x sabar sngt...mmg sepenuh hati dicaci.
kalau sabar nye masih half tank...that person will be safe.

contoh lain..
just like that talam dua muka.
we expect them will not bringing any trouble but then behind us...they had do everything in order to achieve his/her ambition.
macam wifi....yg pada mulanye berbaik and kita bersangka yg it will not brings any trouble.

and lepas kita sedar...
things going worst.
and at that times....your patient will be tested.

that all from me.

next time,umur panjang jumpa lagi.

S.A.L.AM =)

April 21, 2013

tempat yang menyeronokkan. ;D

ce teka.
tempat ape yg paling seronok atas dunia ny?





time's up!


the answer isssss...............

*drum roll*


hee~~sebab ape?

sakit tekak....
mak wat air tea panas.

sakit kepala.../
mak tolong picitkan smpai lega.

xyah pikir assignment :P

xyah check purse tgk duit tggl bape utk bli mknn.

xyah berlapar xmakan breakfast sbb x smpat n xde mknn.

xyah ade perasaan hati gedebuk gedebak sbb riso ngn kuiz.

bnyak lah mende yg x yah wat kt rumah.
nak2 kalau dah abeh study.
n x sambung dah.

hehe....ny baru abesh tamhidi.
and cuti for 4 months.

cuba kalau dah abeh degree and x nak keje lagi.
waiting for masters,maybe?

ntah ape plak yg aq akan cakap pasal rumah.


btw,duk umah mmg SUPERB!

hee~~ S.A.L.A.M =)

April 12, 2013

fatin mmg comel =)

nk tau x sbb ape fatin comel?

ok kite tgk sbb2 dy kt bwh

sbb dy mmg COMEL!muahahahahahahahahahhaha

ahaksssss =P

final exam yg akan menjelang lagi 2 hari melahirkan NURUL FATIN yg senget benget.

this post was written by NURUL FATIN,roommate ku..

saba je lah ek.
bagi sesape yg mmbaca.

April 08, 2013

dinner??...jom tengok!

our kts's ketua. =)

khusyuk mendengar mohd hannan mengalunkan ayat suci Quran.~subhanallah!...sedap skali suara.
dan mohd farid bace terjemahan....meremang kot time bace terjemah...


madam2 and miss2 yg dtg n hadir .comel kan mereka2?..hee~~

hai...i am Siti Maryam.
someone ask me to uplode bout our dinner.
yg dah berminggu kene tinggal kat blkg.

so..here it is.
the things that we capture in there.

me and aida.

taiko halimah!

mc qen and mc ye =]

member2 se-lecture,se-house,se-tuto.

mek qlate!...

hai dayah!

makan2....x sedar smpai ade org amek gmbo..hoho

hehe...ayu lagi sbb awal2 masok...hekhekhek.

bakat nasyid ropenye deme nyh...

ini kami se-lecture!...ramai op?

seyes aq nak gelak tgk gmba ny...ade gaya waiter x?


hai sweeties!!

actually kan...hoho...
dah berminggu-minggu post ny tersimpan dlm draft...x ter publish2.
sbb pic bnyk sgt...

hehe...and akhirnya...ter-publish jugak mende alah ni.
dan kepada siti diyana
- hee...i dah publish dah post dinner!

so....that all from me.
selamat melihat!

until then...
S.A.L.A.M =)

April 07, 2013

its study week.

pretty sure.
this week is study week.
but...what did Maryam doessss??!!!


salah wifi.
sbb connection laju laju.
salah fb.
sbb tetibe je menari kt depan aq.
salah twitter.
sbb ade je nak menaip.
salah youtube.
awat hang pi menyibuk kt utube tue???
sampai aq x leyh berenti tgk video hang!
sampai aq sanggup x tido.
sampai aq sanggup cari blog hang.
and i found it!
thus,cari jugak u punye fb.
and again,i found it!
dan akhirnye dah selamat aq menghantar friend request.

but after all......SITI MARYAM!
cuba stopkan kjap otak,minda and tangan dari bende2 teknologi nyh.

just for one week jewwww.

sangat sedihlah.
one week that had been provided special just for studying and revising again what had we learn before...
had specially burn.
by myself.
sbb x pandai nak stop diri sendiri.
padahal bnyk je lagi yg x habis semak,yg x habis belek,yg x habis jenguk.
tapi masih gak ngn attitude macam tue.
remember ya..
who will change you if you,yourself didnt want to even move a little bit?

final is just next week.
not next next week.

after finish up every paper.
you will rest.
for about 4 month!
lama kot.
sabaq sat jah.


p/s = this is an entry just to remind myself. =)

then,S.A.L.A.M =)

and kawan semua...this is Lah Fahmi.

21 years old.medic student.uni cairo.

i'm just a stalker ...muehehehe.


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