April 07, 2013

its study week.

pretty sure.
this week is study week.
but...what did Maryam doessss??!!!


salah wifi.
sbb connection laju laju.
salah fb.
sbb tetibe je menari kt depan aq.
salah twitter.
sbb ade je nak menaip.
salah youtube.
awat hang pi menyibuk kt utube tue???
sampai aq x leyh berenti tgk video hang!
sampai aq sanggup x tido.
sampai aq sanggup cari blog hang.
and i found it!
thus,cari jugak u punye fb.
and again,i found it!
dan akhirnye dah selamat aq menghantar friend request.

but after all......SITI MARYAM!
cuba stopkan kjap otak,minda and tangan dari bende2 teknologi nyh.

just for one week jewwww.

sangat sedihlah.
one week that had been provided special just for studying and revising again what had we learn before...
had specially burn.
by myself.
sbb x pandai nak stop diri sendiri.
padahal bnyk je lagi yg x habis semak,yg x habis belek,yg x habis jenguk.
tapi masih gak ngn attitude macam tue.
remember ya..
who will change you if you,yourself didnt want to even move a little bit?

final is just next week.
not next next week.

after finish up every paper.
you will rest.
for about 4 month!
lama kot.
sabaq sat jah.


p/s = this is an entry just to remind myself. =)

then,S.A.L.A.M =)

and kawan semua...this is Lah Fahmi.

21 years old.medic student.uni cairo.

i'm just a stalker ...muehehehe.

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