August 20, 2013

PTPTN .uhuh?

current issue on PTPTN.

i take that thing.

because i am an average student.since secondary school.being continuously until tamhidi.
hoping to change my average to greatest when it comes to degree..soon..really soon.

so,pray for me!.

eheh.u gonna change yr attitude because "senior" or more likely to be called as "orang dewasa" keep on saying............. 
    " they are still budak budak.just know  how to complain aroud..if they think outta the box,beyond the limit,far far away from the barrier they create...they will just know that IF they be a first class graduate,its free!..ask them for that first class..but,see?..they keep complaining how hard it is.not everyone have that opputunity bla bla bla ".

gaahhh!! is because of that? it? can i say?.
it is.but part of.

how can i just wanna change because of money?.so that i get a peaceful life?.

the thing that i wanna focus IS ..............................

before that..hai orang dewasa! *waving hand*
can you listen what i wanna tell for just a minute?

oke..kami prihatin bahawa ini bukan negara kebajikan by means government have to give and we just doing nothing.kami sangat prihatin tntg itu.
kami juga sedar bahawa kita sewajarnya and sepatutnya bersusah sblum dapat .
juga..kami mengetahui bahawa complain around w/o effort is coward.
and we did not and never be a coward.


did u know...if you lnk PTPTN with CCRIS is a big problem??.
how can u do that and dlm masa yg sama pengangguran dimana mana?..
kami..student yg membuat pinjaman PTPTN dtgnye dari keluarga sederhana..kalau dah kaya raya sakan bergaya nak wat ape wat pinjaman..dah sure2 mak bapak tanggung..
dan expectation untuk kami membayar balik in one go is nonsense dengan segala jenis bunga yg ade.
logik tak...pinjam sampai 50 ribu...then bayar ansur2 tetiap bulan selama 3 tahun ...but,still bila check...baki tertera 50 ribu that make sense?
kalau yg pinjam setakat 5 ribu tu logik gak ahh x bayar2 lagi.

dan kami bukan doing nothing dkt uni..bertungkus lumus nak dptkan yg terbaik plus the society stuffffff.
seriously,we are not doing nothing.

so.....kengkawan..mgkin silap jgk apabila kita terlampau complain sampai mereka ingat kita tak wat ape ape by means tak study sungguh sungguh.
mungkin boleh tingkat banyak mutu kita.banyak ye.bukan sikit.
ntah ntah nanti dpt award dari dunia "student from malaysia is the best student ever"
kot la future kita tatau.haha..
mungkin boleh sampai tahap yg sampai semua orang tak pinjam PTPTN .
haha.lingkupkan dia..*over*

mgkin masok sem 1 ny bagi pointer gempakkkk gedebommm punye.
meh,kite beralih kpd syrikat the scholar.
segalanya mungkin!

that all. S.A.L.A.M =)


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